Wednesday, April 22, 2015

W, by The Basement Boys

Artist: Basement Boys
Album: W
Genre: Punk rock, Lo-fi
Location: Philadelphia
RIFYL: Dead Milkmen, (old) Modest Mouse, Tribute


HELLO EVERYONE! I am actually alive! I haven't been writing because I've been busy with the crippling insanity that comes with being a college student. As well as the crippling amount of homework. That being said my last review was a week ago, and I should be able to review more albums and such regularly starting next week on monday.

That being said, let's get on to the review.


Last week I reviewed the new LP by a very talented band called Frontyards, and although I wasn't a fan of that band's sound specifically, this other band put together by a few members of Frontyards is a bit more my speed. Basement boys are a local philly band, that combines the Lo-Fi sound of the indie rock scene here, with the fast upbeat stylings of old 80's indie rock/punk rock like the Dead Milkmen.

The sound production on this LP is more like a demo if anything. The vocals range from screaming about high school, to quiet dronings and melodic "ooos." The vocalists on the album are very talented, and know how to form a harmony. The guitars are slightly out of tune at times, but at certain points it works on songs where they really try to emphasize that "dead milkmen"-esque sound. However, the guitar tracks can also be very pretty, and reminiscent of modest mouse, especially on the songs Alright and Come on. The drums and trombone are what sound the best on this LP, and I really dig the bass grooves whenever you can hear them.

The different interludes that occur throughout the album are pretty ridiculous, and have a very improv/aqua teen hunger force-esque vibe to them. That being said they can be a little much at times (I believe I heard chips being crunched on at one point), but that being said they definitely add character to the album.

Anyway I can't wait to hear more from The Basement Boys, and I hope that they are able to start playing more shows in the scene soon.

I give it a 8/10

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